The Art of Newsjacking: A Comprehensive Guide for B2B SaaS Firms

Strategic Edge
3 min readSep 7, 2023


In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, it’s crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve.

This is especially true for SaaS (Software as a Service) companies operating in the B2B landscape, where the news cycle can impact consumer behaviour and high-stakes business decisions.

One intriguing and often underutilized strategy to exploit this constant flow of information is “newsjacking.”

Photo by Good Good Good on Unsplash

What is Newsjacking?

Newsjacking is the practice of leveraging trending news to elevate your brand’s message.

This involves injecting your ideas or angles into breaking news in real time to generate media coverage for your company.

Simply put, you “hijack” the news cycle to get your brand in front of a wider audience.

Why is it Effective?

The news cycle is a constant churn of stories vying for public attention. When executed well, newsjacking can yield significant dividends, including:

Increased Visibility: As journalists and analysts search for additional insights or angles on a trending topic, your company becomes a go-to resource.

Thought Leadership: By commenting on industry news or broader trends, you position your brand as an expert in the field.

Engagement: Breaking news often triggers widespread conversations. By becoming a part of these conversations, you engage with your audience in a timely and relevant way.

How Can B2B SaaS Companies Leverage Newsjacking?

Strategic Planning
Stay ahead of the game by identifying possible trends or events that could impact your industry. Set up Google Alerts or use social listening tools to monitor relevant keywords and topics.

Rapid Response
Timing is of the essence. When a relevant story breaks, assess how your brand can add value to the conversation. Then, swiftly develop and share your insights through blog posts, social media, or even press releases.

Once your content is live, amplify its reach through social channels and targeted ads. This is also the time to reach out to journalists covering the story, offering your piece as a resource.

Example: Cybersecurity SaaS Company & A High-Profile Data Breach

Let’s consider a hypothetical example. Suppose you’re a SaaS company specializing in cybersecurity solutions for enterprises.

News breaks out about a high-profile data breach affecting major corporations. Here’s how you could employ newsjacking:

Immediate Analysis: As an expert in cybersecurity, you could provide a detailed analysis of how the breach occurred and how companies can protect themselves. Publish this analysis in a blog post.

Press Release: Issue a press release offering expert comments to media outlets covering the story. Include the key findings from your analysis.

Social Media: Share your blog post and press release through your social media channels, using hashtags related to the news event to increase visibility.

Engage with Journalists: Reach out to reporters covering the breach, offering your insights as an additional resource.

Follow-Up: As the story evolves, continue to offer updated insights and tips, maintaining your position as a go-to resource.

By adopting a newsjacking strategy, your SaaS company gains immediate visibility. It establishes itself as a thought leader in the industry—something invaluable in the B2B space, where relationships and expertise often outweigh even the most aggressive marketing tactics.

So, the next time you find a news story breaking in your industry, consider how to ‘jack’ it to your advantage.

Just remember to act quickly, be insightful, and add value to the conversation.



Strategic Edge

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